The permanent exposition at Ľupča Castle
The permanent exhibition of Ján Kulich's art at Ľupča Castle was installed in October 2012 in the renovated premises of the Rubigall Tower and presents an extensive collection of works of art - from studies of monuments and memorials (Matej Bel-Funtík, King Svätopluk) in the castle exterior, through free sculpture and portraiture to relief and medal creation in the interior. The monumental and expositional qualities of the space are proved by the structural architectural as well as the decorative values of the monumental restoration of Ľupča Castle - massive beams of the wooden ceiling.
Opposite the entrance to the exhibition hall, the visitor is greeted by a symbolic figure of a young mother with a baby in her arms – Lullaby (Uspávanka). The motivic composition of folk music by the famous Rinaldo Oláh is developed in the middle of exhibition. In the background on the wall is the relief with the self-portrait of the author of the symbolic, as well as playful and proud national sculptural exhibition.
On the right side, equally in a welcoming position, is the bronze sculpture of The Head Shepherd (Bača) - the father of Štefan Nosáľ - as the paternal promoter of the authentic music and folklore scene. In the front view in the background is the sculpture-relief Carrying out Morena (Vynášanie Moreny), intended as a part of the architecture and on the right the heroic sculpture The Ballad Jánošík. On the wall to the right of the entrance there is an exposed set of symbolic portraits of Fates originally from the door of the ceremonial hall of the House of Mourning in Očová. The installation is complemented by an impressive set of bronze reliefs of the Ten Slovak Saints (Desať slovnských svätcov) and drawing sketches and studies of the artist's emerging works of art.