Opening hours
May - October
10.00 AM- 6.00 PM
en sk

Family – Friends

Exposition in GJK in the period May 2017 - October 2017

The third curratorial thematic area of the gallery's exhibitions belonged to the presentation of the extremely important world of the artist's work. It was an area of emotional impact but also depth of thought: the meaning and intertwining of family and friendship.



May 2017 - October 2017


54 sculptures, 33 medals
17 paintings by Koloman Sokol
7 paintings by Mária Medvecká

The artist established the principles of this precious relationship in his lifelong work. In it is reflected the sculptor's human and artistic belief in the necessity of a bond with family and friends. He also confirmed the identical artistic and human profile in this sphere. It corresponds to the meaning of the words of Antoine de Saint Exupèry who says that "friends are the family we choose ourselves ..." and Ján Kulich confirmed in his life that even "the family are friends."

As a part of the exhibition, visitors were able to look into the more intimate spheres and inspirations of Kulich's work, influenced by the environment in which he grew up and which significantly shaped his work. These include portraits of his closest family: parents, wife, children or grandchildren from different periods and stages of their life. An important part of the exhibition were medals, the creation of which was inspired by the world in which Ján Kulich was born and raised. The theme of the family also includes the motif of the Madonna, which could be encountered in the works of the Madonna of Poľana, Palms and Pieta. During the presentation of the important world of the author's work, the gallery did not omit the portraits of his friends, with whom he was connected not only by his work or love of fine arts, but also by passion for Slovak folk culture and its musical and artistic expressions.

An important part of the exhibition was a selection of works by Mária Medvecká, a representative of Slovak realistic impressionism, and 16 paintings by Koloman Sokol, the founder of modern Slovak graphics of the 20th century.

Detail of the sculpture Koloman Sokol - bronze, height 97 cm, 1999
Detail of the sculpture Koloman Sokolbronze, height 97 cm, 1999

"In the value of his work, we can observe above all the clear contribution of the modern realism of sculpture, consisting in the search for new content sources of poetically tuned Slovak national emotionality ...“

Miroslav Klivar
View of the 2017 exhibition - in the foreground Madonna of Poľana (Podpolianska madona) from 2005, height 178 cm, pear wood
View of the 2017 exhibitionin the foreground Madonna of Poľana (Podpolianska madona) from 2005, height 178 cm, pear wood
Palms - epoxy, width 79 cm, 1991
Palmsepoxy, width 79 cm, 1991

"From the standpoint of the rhythm of Slovak modern art, Ján Kulich filled the gap that was between literature and painting on the one hand and sculpture on the other and completed his tendency which is an eloquent testimony not only to the national but also to the universal."

Ján Števček
View of the overall exhibition - on the upper balcony of the gallery paintings by Koloman Sokol
View of the overall exhibitionon the upper balcony of the gallery paintings by Koloman Sokol
Set of medals from mid sixties to late seventies  - Neighbours (Susedia), Men's Dance (Chlapský tanec), Grandma (Stará mať), Spindle (Vreteno), Alone (Samé), Father-in-Law (Svokor) Portrait Father (Otec), height 52 cm, epoxy, 1976
Set of medals from mid sixties to late seventies Neighbours (Susedia), Men's Dance (Chlapský tanec), Grandma (Stará mať), Spindle (Vreteno), Alone (Samé), Father-in-Law (Svokor) Portrait Father (Otec), height 52 cm, epoxy, 1976

"The poetic relationship to the current motif makes the artistic content and expression of the plaques very rich in the emotional depth of the experiences. "

Miroslav Klivar
Portrait Father (Otec) - height 52 cm, epoxy, 1976
Portrait Father (Otec)height 52 cm, epoxy, 1976
My Parents (Rodičovia moji) - the memorial to the artist‘s parents on the grave in the cemetery in Zvolenská Slatina
My Parents (Rodičovia moji)the memorial to the artist‘s parents on the grave in the cemetery in Zvolenská Slatina
Embossed medal with the motif Lullaby (Uspávanka) and the verse by Andrej Sládkovič - It was created on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the founding of the town of Detva in 1988, diameter 10 cm, bronze
Embossed medal with the motif Lullaby (Uspávanka) and the verse by Andrej SládkovičIt was created on the occasion of the 350th anniversary of the founding of the town of Detva in 1988, diameter 10 cm, bronze

Thematic areas

of Ján Kulich's work